On 30/01/2020 07:49, Andrew McFarlane wrote:
I suspect you and David are both correct; I need to link boost_chrono. [...] In addition, adding -lboost_chrono or -L{BOOST_ROOT} does not help my case. After reading this article about static and dynamic linked libraries https://medium.com/@dkwok94/the-linking-process-exposed-static-vs-dynamic-li... I suspect I must append the path of boost_chrono to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. Am I correct in this thinking? If so, where the heck is boost_chrono located? I could not find a .a or .so file in libs/chrono/ anywhere. Do I need to build the static/dynamic library myself? Please advise.
https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_72_0/more/getting_started/unix-variants.htm... Note that unless you need something from the latest Boost, you can also install the corresponding dev packages (via your standard package manager) to use your system's Boost version instead, just like any other library packaged by your distro. This will save you some time.