Hi Larry,
Thank you very much for your extended response. You are very welcome! [snip] I went ahead an implemented a successor to the array_dyn mentioned before. The revised array_dyn is now in the boost vault under
On 05/24/11 00:58, pmamales@nyc.rr.com wrote: Hi Petros, the data structures directory: http://www.boostpro.com/vault/index.php?&directory=Data%20Structures It has one feature which you're probably not interested in, the axis reversal. To reverse an axis, you specify the length as a negative number. To rotate all the axes( the feature you are interested in), you use the axis_rot(rotation) method. The storage order is specified in with a CTOR arg of type enum dirs {dir_fwd, dir_rev}. I think these can be used to chose either fortran or c-like storage order. Hopefully the printout will help you decide which value of the parameter you desire. The test driver, in array_dyn.cpp, exercises these features and shows the results with printouts. The printout is shown in array_dyn.out member of the zip file. HTH. -Larry