"Bernhard Glueck"
Since we switched our projects to the new VC7.1 C++ Compiler ( MSVC 1310 ) recently i am not able to compile Boost Python anymore. The question is, if that's not supported at all, or if there is a workaround to do this. ( Compiling with VC7.0 works fine for me )
I upgraded to the most recent CVS version of Boost today, but still no luck ( using bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7" ) at least it does not spit out a "Unknown compiler version" warning anymore....
Any clues?
I've never tested Boost.Python v1 with vc7.1, but I have been testing and developing Boost.Python v2 under Everett; everything works fine. I have no plans to try to backport v1 to any new compilers, especially since Boost.Python v1 relies on non-conforming C++ techniques (sorry). Boost 1.29.0 , due in a couple of weeks, will contain only Boost.Python v2 (and an archive version of Boost.Python v1 for those who are slow to make the transition). -Dave -- ----------------------------------------------------------- David Abrahams * Boost Consulting dave@boost-consulting.com * http://www.boost-consulting.com