Hi, I lurked a bit and found this: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/boost-interprocess-gt-1-45-robust-mutexes... I didn't feel like necroposting, and it's /dev anyway, so allow me to ask here about updates on the matter. Is there anything, even if only "experimental" or "beta", that you have that would allow me to handle the EWOENERDEAD result? I'd rather use your code before putting my hands on your library, since it would be easier to let my manager (and his manager) deal with a "boost beta" rather than my personal modification to boost. If there is none, I would really need to modify your files for my project to work, and I would appreciate if you could confirm a couple of things for me. In http://stackoverflow.com/a/1179766/4598277 it is mentioned to modify two files: 1. posix/thread_helpers.hpp to set the attribute (first time ever I was happy to get an exception :D) 2. posix/mutex.hpp to handle the EOWNERDEAD return value Can you please confirm if this would be enough? It would seem so to me, but I have only studied parts of your code. Thank you for the assistance. -- View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Interprocess-posix-robust-mutex-and-EOWNE... Sent from the Boost - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.