Markus Werle wrote:
David Abrahams wrote:
We're not hacking the paper at this point (working on the book instead)
Ah! Earning money with Open Source via Closed Docs ;-) Not exactly what RMS was dreaming of, but perfectly OK for me: I will buy that book ASAP. I hope You also explain all those macros that make the code so uneasy to read.
In the meantime Edward could be grateful for a hint to the book from the guy who explained some of the techniques in detail, even though his lib could not enter the boost tree due to reasons I do not know of:
The book to buy until David's book is out is "Modern C++ Design" from Andrei Alexandrescu. See http://www.moderncppdesign.com/
I already have it and have read it. The techniques explained in the Boost MPL library seem to be different from many of the techniques explained in Mr. Alexandrescu's fine book. I hope when the Boost book is out, it is more readable and deliberate in explaining how things work than the paper above which I find heavy going. But that's reasonable since papers often assume a level of understanding, and take appropriate shortcuts on that assumption, than a book which has more space to explain things a little more slowly. Perhaps my difficulty with the paper is just my own failing but I will stick to it and see what I can get out of it, and ask further questions if necessary.