Ok I've spent a good chunk of my day making a set of custom archive class, based on the portable_binary_iarchive and portable_binary_oarchive.

I have a non-virtual class hierarchy named Asset, in memory this is a cyclic graph, but my requirements are that this structure cannot be serialized all at once, it has to be broken up at boundaries.   So the archiver serializes the first Asset* (which is always the root object passed into operator&).  This object serializes as normally as per the boost serialization code, except except that when subsequent Asset*'s are encountered I send the pointer into an AssetManager class and translate the Asset* into a ResourceID, and serialize the ResourceID instead of the object.  This is done by directly calling operator& inside save_override.

So far all of this works:

The reverse case of loading, by hooking load_override almost works.  Almost, because I have to apply a hack of skipping 4 bytes inside load_override, before trying to read the ResourceID structure with operator&.   I can't figure out how to make it 'proper', without simply hard coding the 4 byte read.  As far as I can tell before save_override some bookkeeping information is written, but the reverse operation in load_override has not yet stripped this bookkeeping information from the stream, so these functions aren't quite mirror operations.   As best as I can tell the function guilty of reading the bookkeeping information is load_pointer.  What I need is another function in the boost archive API that pulls the bookkeeping information out of the stream safely, that I can call from within load_override, since I have no intention of calling load_pointer through any means.

Aside from the hack, it technically works, but even then I still have a few aching problems:

I also have to hard-code the full list of derived Asset types and manually provide specializations for all of them in save_override and load_override.  If I use the base class, I end up slicing my class down to its base, and cannot serialize it.  I can't make serialize virtual, since the intrusive serialize methods are templates, but it certainly would solve the problem if it were possible.  In addition the bodies of all of my overrides are completely identical except for the classname (AssetModel, AssetTexture, etc).  Which means I'll be wrapping the bodies of a generic save_override and load_override in a macro, and have to manually add all Asset derived classes to a list of classes inside my archive class.  Which means that my archiver cannot be generic, even though I have managed to make it a template in the sense that the passed in asset manager and base asset types are template parameters.

the type ResourceID  is a std::string

class asset_oarchive : ...
    void save_override(const AssetModel& t, int i)
        if (!RootAssetSaved)
            RootAssetSaved = true;
            binary_oarchive_impl::save_override(t, i);
            AssetManagerType::ResourceID ResourceId = TheAssetManager->ResourceIdForAsset(&t);

loading ...
class asset_iarchive : ...
    void load_override(AssetModel*& t, int i)
        if (!RootAssetLoaded)
            RootAssetLoaded = true;
            binary_iarchive_impl::load_override(t, i);
            unsigned char c[10];
            for (INT x=0; x<10; ++x)
                c[x] = 0xFF;
            for (INT x=0; x<4; ++x)
                operator&(c[x]);   //hackhack
            AssetManagerType::ResourceID ResourceId;
            AssetType* a = TheAssetManager->FindAsset(ResourceId);
            if (!a)
                a = TheAssetManager->LoadAsset(ResourceId);
            // TODO: throw on missing resources, potentially query asset manager for substitutes
            t = static_cast<AssetModel*>(a);

So I have a working implementation, how do I make it better?