Mingjun Huang wrote:
I have built boost using: bjam "-sBUILD=release <runtime-link>dynamic <threading>multi" "-sTOOLS=vc-7_1"
but I can not find the library file: libboost_unit_test_framework-vc71-mt-s-1_33.lib
can anyone give me a hand? Thanks so much!
As pointed out here: http://www.boost.org/more/getting_started.html#Results The "-s" part of that name is for static linking to the runtime. Since you specified "<runtime-link>dynamic" you'll never get the above library. Either you want the "libboost_unit_test_framework-vc71-mt-1_33.lib" library. Or you want to build with: bjam "-sBUILD=release <runtime-link>static <threading>multi" "-sTOOLS=vc-7_1" Of course that's assuming the build combination is supported by the Boost.Test library. HTH. -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com -- rrivera/acm.org - grafik/redshift-software.com -- 102708583/icq - grafikrobot/aim - Grafik/jabber.org