Dear boost developpers, I just downloaded the new version, but some changes break my code. First I get not BOOST_MPL_ASSERT compilable on VC 7.1. From the documentation I could read that it could replace BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_IS_SAME, but I removed it completely, and switched back to BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT. Second I think the boost::bind has changed. This leads to compile errors in a double bind construction. The last time I tracked a problem with boost::bind it took me three days tofollow the source code. I don't know if I spent so much time again, I can replace the code, by not using boost::bind and write it explicitly. Last I get warning C4913 constantly. It's reported in 'is_incrementable.hpp' (line 56). Wkr, me _________________________________________________________________ Talk with your online friends with MSN Messenger http://messenger.msn.nl/