Hello, I was looking at the Go language that Google just announced and I was thinking that these "interfaces" were cool. So I found these emails from the Boost users group from 2008: http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20080120.235150.027a4293.en.html http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20080201.165555.eb39994f.en.html It sounds like Jonathon intended to submit a proposal for his library in 2008 but I can't find anything about what happened after that. All I have is http://www.coderage.com/interfaces/ which was last updated 2005. I tried emailing him directly via the email address on that page but there was no answer. Does anyone know if there is a newer version than the 2005 zip file on that page? His Boost user list emails imply that there is one with changes in 2008 and that it was going to be submitted for review so if someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Jerry