John Maddock wrote:
Torsten Mähne wrote:
I'm very interested in the Boost.Units library. I've been therefore trying to use the version, which is available from the Boost Sandbox SVN repository (Revision 41778):
svn co boost_units
I've no problems using the header-only Boost.Units library in my own small test programs, but I'm struggling to build the reference documentation located in libs/units/doc/. Therefore, I'm currently forced to use the outdated HTML documentation from the archive available from the Boost file vault or read directly the units.qbk source.
It's a command line quoting problem that's fixed by the following BBv2 patch:
Index: tools/build/v2/tools/doxygen.jam =================================================================== --- tools/build/v2/tools/doxygen.jam (revision 41793) +++ tools/build/v2/tools/doxygen.jam (working copy) @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ } for local title in [ feature.get-values <reftitle> : $(properties) ] { - xslt-properties += "xsl:paramboost.doxygen.reftitle=\"$(title)\"" ; + xslt-properties += "xsl:paramboost.doxygen.reftitle=$(title)" ; }
xsltproc.xslt $(target) : $(source) $(d2b-xsl) : $(xslt-properties) ;
HTH, John.
Thank you very much John! This small patch solved the problem and now I'm able to build the HTML and PDF documentation for Boost.Units myself. I hope this patch finds its way into the Boost SVN repository soon. Best regards, Torsten