What I was asking is if you're doing -Bdynamic or -Bstatic on gcc -- on windows it's different, but same concept. That will determine if you're linking boost_chrono.so or boost_chrono.a. Typically the order doesn't matter with dynamic and it does often with static. Now that I'm thinking about it you must be dynamic linking bc I don't think you can get that error at runtime if you're statically linked. So if this is linux try using 'ldd' to find out where you're getting boost_chrono from. If you don't have your LD_LIBRARY_PATH correct then maybe you're getting an older version that's missing that symbol. If it's windows then it's something like dumpbin to do the equivalent. On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 3:34 AM Tej Kumar <444tezz@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Jeff,
My boost lib include is in following order.
Thanks & Regards,
On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 8:54 PM Jeff Garland via Boost-users < boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Would be helpful to see the exact link command. If you are statically linking (.a files) then order might matter.
On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 7:00 AM Tej Kumar via Boost-users < boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Hi Team,
Hope you guys are doing well.
I am trying to upgrade Boost to 1.71.0 version. My code is compiling and building successfully but during test run i see below error. Error seems to be related with boost chrono, even though i have included boost_chrono lib in my makefile.
*undefined symbol: _ZN5boost6chrono12steady_clock3nowEv*
It will be a great help if you guys can suggest something here.
Thanks & Regards,
Tej _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list Boost-users@lists.boost.org https://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-users
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