Hello Rene, thank you for your prompt answer and the suggestion.
I think you also have to follow all the docs for vc-7_1-stlport. I.e. set the various STLPORT* options. Although maybe you already had that since you where already using it? Various ways to make sure: use the
"-d+2" to see what the commands executed are and if they reference STlport, add "-sBUILD=<stlport-version>5.0" or such to force it to use the STLport you have.
Effectively, I just copy and modify a little bit my configuration for vc_71-stlport. Unfortunately, it does not work The compilation of all the file is failing as in this case... zlib.cpp K:\coding\src\boost_1_33_1/boost/detail/sp_counted_base_w32.hpp(68): error: namespace "stlpd_std" has no member "type_info" virtual void * get_deleter( std::type_info const & ti ) = 0; compilation aborted for K:\coding\src\boost_1_33_1\libs\iostreams\build\..\src\zlib.cpp (code 4) It seems to me that it is not accepting the -stlport (and the stlport options). Marco