AMDG Patricia Hawley wrote:
Hi, I used a previous version of the Units library to sketch out a fps system (foot-pound-second) that paralleled the cgs system, and the code compiled and ran fine. I am now returning to this effort, and I want to wrap it into a coordinate transform package, but I can no longer get the code to compile. I am using the latest code from the Boost sandbox, and MS Visual Studio with WinXP. The problem appears to be in the conversions, but I don't see what is missing when compared to cgs.
typedef unit
my_unit; typedef quantity< my_unit, ofs::Real64 > linear_measure; linear_measure dummy(200.0*CGS::centimeter); // implicit conversion from SI::meter to CGS::centimeter linear_measure dummy2(200.0*FPS::foot); The first three lines work fine, but the last one generates 10 errors with my compiler (MSVC 8.0). The first error is
Can you post the definitions of FPS::foot, FPS::system &c. In Christ, Steven Watanabe