David Abrahams wrote:
Nigel Rantor
writes: David Abrahams wrote:
Nigel Rantor
writes: Yep. Any suggestions welcome, is there one canonical reference I should be aware of?
?? The C++ Standard is the canonical reference
http://www.jamesd.demon.co.uk/csc/faq.html#B1 http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470846747,descCd-tableOf...
Yes, I thought I was being clear, apparently not. I meant out of ALL of the possible references out there is there one above all others that people would recommend.
?? There is only one C++ standard.
Good lord man, must you be so obtuse? I was merely asking if one was better. If you can't understand that some reference material is of better quality, contains superior examples or includes more engaging sections on rationale/design then I would much rather you say that they are all equal or say nothing at all rather than imply that I beleive there to be multiple standards.
Any idea regarding the extreme difference in price of them?
It costs a lot more to print a book than to duplicate a PDF?
No, one comes either as a book for $175 OR as a PDF for $18. The other is only available as a book for £34.00. I was wondering why/how they can get away with $175... You know what forget it, it isn't that important. n