I want to sort a vector of Edges according to their remaining estimated
distance to the finish point (an own implementation of a graph
How do I sort this vector with edges:
// Returns the cost between start and finish, given a graph
int CostEstimate( const Graph& aGraph, const Vertex& start, const Vertex& finish)
// Member function of a graph
std::vector< Edge > v = ...;
// Sort them according to the cost
std::sort( v.begin(),
boost::lambda::bind( CostEstimate( (*this),
boost::lambda::bind( &Edge::otherSide, &start, boost::lambda::_1),
boost::lambda::bind( CostEstimate( (*this),
boost::lambda::bind( &Edge::otherSide, &start, boost::lambda::_2),
where otherSide is a const function of the class Edge which returns a
"const Vertex&"
Compiling this results in an error:
error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘const Vertex&’ from
expression of type ‘const