27 Jan
27 Jan
7:37 p.m.
Sean Farrow wrote:
Hi John: I have checked the directories: in the library path: C;\program files\boost\bin.v2\libs In the includes: C:\program files\boost The file I am linking with is: libboost_filesystem-vc80-mt-gd-1_38.lib Seems stringe. Do I need to add anything to the source path?
And is there a file named libboost_filesystem-vc80-mt-gd-1_38.lib in directory named C;\program files\boost\bin.v2\libs -- assuming ";" in the directory name is a typo introduce while composing email [*]. As Steven mentioned, the directory is not supposed to directly contain libraries. - Volodya [*] It is in best to use copy-paste when preparing bug reports, so eliminate typos as additional source of confusion