25 Aug
25 Aug
11:07 a.m.
PJ Durai
Hello everyone,
remove_copy_if ( myEvents.begin(), myEvents.end(), back_inserter(newEvents), (boost::bind(&Event::GetEventType, _1) == NotesEventType_New) && (boost::bind(&Event::GetEventID, _1) == 1000 ) );
I have tried various ways of putting parens around this expression. I just couldn't get it to compile. Is that even possible ? Please Advise.
maybe this works: const std::vector<Event> v; std::vector<Event> vOut; std::remove_copy_if(v.begin(), v.end(), back_inserter(vOut), boost::bind(std::logical_and<bool>(), (boost::bind(&Event::GetEventType, _1) == 0), (boost::bind(&Event::GetEventID, _1) == 1)));