I am sure this is a silly common answer but I am not sure how to resolve
it. Here is my test suite below. I am following
http://www.hpfsc.de/boosttest/ as my guide.
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE Statistical algorithm test suite
#include "Statistical_Test.h"
using boost::unit_test_framework::test_suite;
using boost::unit_test_framework::test_case;
using namespace libreverse::classifier;
class statistical_test_suite : public test_suite
statistical_test_suite ()
: test_suite ( "statistical_test_suite" )
// create an instance of the test cases class
boost::shared_ptr instance ( new Statistical_Test() );
test_case* test_Constructor_test_case = BOOST_CLASS_TEST_CASE( &Statistical_Test::test_Constructor, instance );
add ( test_Constructor_test_case );
test_suite* init_unit_test_suite ( int, char** )
test_suite* top_test_suite = BOOST_TEST_SUITE("Statistical algorithm test suite");
// add test suites to the top test suite
top_test_suite->add ( new statistical_test_suite() );
return top_test_suite;