on Wed Oct 12 2011, Arun Ramasamy <aramasamy-AT-thevisualmd.com> wrote:
I'm using the boost iterator_facade class to implement a random
access iterator for my class. When I try to assign the iterators to
one another, the compiler fails saying
'operator =' function is unavailable".
Sample code from my implementation below:
class MyClass{
class Iterator : public boost::iterator_facade<Iterator, T,
boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag>{ protected:
void increment();
bool equal(const Iterator& rhs)const; //etc
//... Note - no method implemented to support assignment
I'd assumed that it'll be possible to assign iterators to each other.
Why is the assignment operator not supported by iterator_facade.
It is. My first guess is that you have added a data member with a
private operator=, but there isn't enough information in your post to be
sure. I suggest you:
a) reduce the problem to a *minimal* example that demonstrates the
b) post the example and the *full* error message here.