On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 6:48 PM, Andreas Huber
Om the subject of two phase construction, I often find that you need it for states anyway, as what you often want is the ability to provide parameters to the constructor of a state to which you are transitioning.
Yes, that is a common problem. AFAICT, UML only allows for event access in a transition action but not in entry and exit actions.
The approach I've settled on for this is to post an "initialisation event" just before transitioning state, so that the initialisation event will be the first event handled by the state to which I am transitioning. Is there a better way to achieve this?
Not currently. triggering_event(), which is on position 2 of the to-do list, would allow ctors, dtors & exit() functions to access the event that triggered the state entry or exit. Since these can be triggered by events of different types, the function only returns the base class event, which needs to be down-cast by the user. I'm not very happy with this interface though, so I will also consider the possibility to type-safely pass the triggering event to state constructors that accept a corresponding parameter. AFAICS, this would require a SFINAE compiler (i.e. a very compliant compiler). Unfortunately, due to inevitable type-erasure when the state is stored in state_machine, the same doesn't seem to be possible with exit() functions, at least not without major performance hits.
Hi, has anything improved in this matter? I find two-phase construction not something desirable. I would really want to pass a state instance to transit<>(). Why isn't this available? [snip] -- Felipe Magno de Almeida