FWIW - I use the BGL to store my graph data and calculate shortest paths
etc., I use raw GDI (fast) and AGG (smooth - www.antigrain.com) to render
the data. For layouts I have a few of my own (simplistic) I also use
GraphViz (as there is a save to and load from DOT functions within BGL).
"Dan Dimerman"
I am about to start a subproject that takes a graph, computes a layout and draws it on screen (Windows XP). I thought about using AT&T's well known graphviz library until I saw that on boost 1.32 there's a new algorithm: "boost::kamada_kawai_spring_layout". Although I am tempted to use boost's lib, tradition dictates that a longer/better tested and implemented library is the way to go.
Do you happen to have any experience in this kind of problem (drawing graphs)? Any suggestions/ caveats ?
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