Eric Niebler a écrit :
It's all just whistlin' Dixie until you post your code. ;-)
Well ... it's like friggin long in fact. Basically all I have is a simpel gramamr with a terminal and a nary-expr catch all rules, a template domain and domain generator (remember our discussion about the template vec<T> stuff ?) and a simple ocntext that forward the computation of tag X to a PFO implement<X>. The only thing that may be different is that all this live in a nested namspace called simd inside a namespace called nt2 in which the terminal, expression and function ar einjected using the using directive. I will try to package somethign but it won't compile as it use lots of side code for various traits and meta-programming tasks. Considering it works on gcc fine, I think it's somethign amiss with VC9 ADL but i can't find what. -- ___________________________________________ Joel Falcou - Assistant Professor PARALL Team - LRI - Universite Paris Sud XI Tel : (+33)1 69 15 66 35