I have a problem with the breadth_first_search. I read the documentation
and examples an can't find a solution for my problem. In order
breadth_first_search uses a bfs_discovery_visitor
vis(&distanceSet[0]);. This distance vector storing all distances. So,
now I need more then a vector. I want use a struct for storing the
distances and later some other stuff e.g. probability of distances and
cumulative probabilitys. I tried several code, but get every time
errors from VC++ compiler.
Can anybody tell me, how do I handle this vector.
The second question is, can I abort the further evaluation of distances,
if any theshold is reached? The graph has about 57000 vertices an every
vertice has about 6 edges. I am interested only for the vertices in a
given range (e.g. 100). Now I get all distances and copy_if the vector
of distances, if the given threshold isn't reached. This is fast enough
for one vertice to all others, but the program calculates the distances
for each of 57000 vertices. 20 minutes are too slow.
Thanks for helping me.