On 6/9/2016 10:01 AM, Blair Climenhaga wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I have recently begun using OpenFOAM which requires boost for some of its functions, however upon installing OpenFOAM it appears that some of the needed Boost contents are not in my usr/include/boost such as the directories container, move, intrusive, core and many others. I have attempted to update boost in multiple ways so that these directories are added to the boost directory however I have had no success. The two types of attempts I have made are listed below.
1. Using sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev, however this seems to just update the lib and provide me with the needed directories 2. Download the .zip of the newest boost version and follow the steps listed on the boost website. I have been downloading and installing the files to a directory in the home rather than usr and it seems that the product is not on the Path of the computer, as it is does not appear when I use the echo or whereis commands.
If anyone has any advice for how to solve this issue or any recommendations I would greatly appreciate the assistance. Thank you for your time and for your help in advance.
All the best, Blair Climenhaga
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This isn't really a Boost question. However older guidelines for installing OpenFOAM on Ubuntu are here: https://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Installation/Linux/OpenFOAM-2.3.0/Ubuntu You'll see that there's specific Boost dev libraries that need to be installed. If this doesn't work you should ask on the OpenFOAM mailing list. Damien