On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 4:30 AM, John Emmas <johne53@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
A few months ago I downloaded 'boost_1_54_0.zip' which I probably obtained from Sourceforge:-


I'm using libboost with Visual C++ 8 and up to now the only things I've needed from it are 'boost::regex' and 'boost::shared_ptr'. However I'm now building a 3rd party library which seems to want to link to the above library (libboost_thread-vc80-mt-1_54.lib).  I'm not sure whether it's a static library or the symbols library for a DLL.  Either way, the zip file I downloaded doesn't seem to contain it (nor any other libs or DLLs AFAICT).

Q1)  Is there some other web site I need to visit in order to get the pre-built binaries?

Q2)  I know from past experience that pre-built boost binaries sometimes require quite obscure versions of the MSVC runtime.  That was the case with boost::regex so after a bit of advice from this mailing list, I ended up making a VC project and building it myself.  I don't mind doing the same thing for boost::thread - but I wondered if there was already a suitable project available somewhere?  I don't want to re-invent the wheel if a VC project already exists!  Thanks.


The windows binaries are also on sourceforge:

1.54 is the first release that has had them in this format, so any feedback you have would be appreciated.

They should all be built with the latest version of each Visual Studio release. I belive for VC8 that is Service Pack 1.
