22 Mar
22 Mar
5:29 p.m.
Hello, I've tried the example at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/iostreams/doc/index.html It works correctly on small files (a few kb), but it raises the exception "bzip2 error" on a file as large as ~270Mb, when compiled with g++ 4.2, with no special flags, on a 64 bit Linux Xen system. On another system (Mac OS X), the example runs fine on that same file. Here is some info about the system: Linux kernel: 2.6.24-26-xen bzlib2: 1.0.4-2ubuntu4 Boost: 1.42.0 Are there known incompatibilities with that system or with virtualization environments in general? Is there any "self-test" that I can run to test the library? Nicola