On 28 Apr 2016 at 12:14, Norman wrote:
Alright, i made an example, that shows my problem:
Vinnie_win aka. Vinnie falco told me, that I might be looking at the wrong indicator for my memory use. But I thought the Resident Set Size is the value to look for, since I want to know how much memory my program is currently allocating.
Any help would still be really appriciated :-)
You appear to not understand how virtual memory and the system memory allocator works and interact with one another. Please read the papers from Denning et al from the 1970s. All major OSs use his design. RSS is the *cache* of memory held by the system in RAM of your process' memory. It is entirely dependent on system load, how much caching your kernel chooses, and what the libraries your processes do internally. It has little relevance to "how much memory my program is currently allocating". The closest proxy to such a thing - which doesn't really exist on any major OS of the past thirty years - is probably the dirtied page count. And even there, the system memory allocator will intentionally cache a large quantity of memory it fetches from the OS, so just because you free() everything you malloc() doesn't mean any memory is released to the system. If you really, really, really want to always free everything you malloc, use mmap() to allocate and munmap() to free, or even use sbrk(). Note that your program will run four orders of magntitude slower. tl;dr; If this really bothers you, use a custom STL allocator. Otherwise so long as dirtied pages doesn't keep rising over time, it's not an issue and don't worry about it. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/