On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Michael Caisse < boost@objectmodelingdesigns.com> wrote:
Whoops ... forgot to start the read again in the completion handler. "Fixed" below.
Michael Caisse wrote:
void my_message_maker::read_start() { serial_port.async_read_some( boost::asio::buffer( in_message, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE ), boost::bind( &my_message_maker::read_done, this,
boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred ) ); }
void my_message_maker::read_done( const boost::system::error_code& error, int bytes_transferred ) { if( !error ) { for( int i=0; i < bytes_transferred; ++i ) { if( in_message[ i ] == STX ) { my_message.clear(); } else if( in_message[ i ] == ETX ) { make_callback( my_message ); } else { my_message += in_message[ i ]; }
read_start(); }
else { close_port( error ); } }
Ah, i see what you're saying now. I was thinking from a lower level (i.e. that I would not call any read methods until I was notified from the socket/serial port layer that information was ready). It's actually a good idea to take it up to a higher level like this and validate data completion and defragment the buffers. Would you recommend calling read_start() from its own thread and have it loop indefinitely? I believe this is what you originally suggested. However, I am curious about the issues with calling read_some() and write_some() from separate threads without using any external synchronization techniques (i.e. mutexes). Do I have to synchronize these two calls manually or is it done internally? I'll re-review the documentation, but I did not see anything regarding this earlier. Thanks for your help.