The return type of boost::bind is fairly indeterminate. In order to call a bound function at a later time, look at boost::function. It does a nice job of holding on to a function that uses boost::bind. --- At Sun, 1 Feb 2004 08:45:43 -0500, Cheenu Srinivasan wrote:
I wish to store the return value of boost::bind in an intermediate object to invoke it at a later time. I only ever see examples which combine the call to boost:bind with the immediate invocation on the returned object such as:
using namespace boost; #include <iostream> using namespace std; double f(int i, double d) { cout << "int = " << i << endl; return d; }
main() { int i = 99; cout << bind(f, _1, 1.234)(i) << endl; }
Instead I'd like to postpone the call to the returned object. What's the type of obj?
main() { int i = 99; WHAT_IS_MY_TYPE obj = bind(f, _1, 1.234); ... cout << obj(i) << endl; }