Igor MI
Is it safe to comment it out? I mean I know I will lose some memory resources and thats fine by me, are there any other side effects of commenting this hook?
For threads started with boost::thread then there should be no side effects. The "leak" affects threads not started with boost::thread, such as the main thread. Any use of boost::this_thread::get_id() from such a thread will allocate some memory for the ID, which won't be freed until app exit. The big issue is with boost::thread_specific_ptr --- any non-NULL pointers normally have their object destroyed on thread exit, but this won't happen for non-boost threads if the exit handler is not called. You can call it manually --- the function to call is on_thread_exit() from boost/thread/detail/tss_hooks.hpp Anthony -- Anthony Williams Author of C++ Concurrency in Action | http://www.manning.com/williams Custom Software Development | http://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk Just Software Solutions Ltd, Registered in England, Company Number 5478976. Registered Office: 15 Carrallack Mews, St Just, Cornwall, TR19 7UL, UK