2012/6/26 Kim Gadecki
Hi everyone.
I'm trying to work out how you serialize arrays using the boost serializer. Here's a simplified example:
struct node_link { u32 node_A; u32 node_B; };
struct Node { node_link* m_node_links_array; int m_node_links_size; };
// non-intrusive serialization template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, node_link& link, const unsigned int version) { ar & link.node_A; ar & link.node_B; }
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, Node& node_data, const unsigned int version) { ar & boost::serialization::array<**node_link>(node_data.m_node_ **links_array, node_data.m_node_links_size); ar & node_data.m_node_links_size; }
I'm guessing: how is deserialization of an array supposed to work, if size is deserialized afterwords? Regards Kris