Upon reflection I realized that

a) My code was broken
b) origin() returns an element* and not any smarter iterator, so that layout is important
c) I would propose as a solution a call that returns an iterator pointing to the first element of a multi array and when incremented goes through all the elements one by one all the way to the end
something like

for (iter=marray.element_begin(); iter !=marray.element_end(); iter ++) {
would increment all the elements of the multi_array marray by 1. This should work for views and independent of number of dimensions and layout. I think it would be easily implementable as a skip iterator where the increment operator increments a *element by a number that's the product of the appropriate strides. Dereferencing semantics is the same as element*. Now everything rests of what "appropriate" means, but I guess whoever implemented how to increment any index in a view knows how to pull this off as well -- that is Ron, any comments? I think this would be a powerful extension. Once this is in place there would be no need for specialized algorithms -- for_each, transform and even binary_search would do exactly what people want them to do, like in

for_each(marray.element_begin(); marray.element_end(), _1++)

equivalent to the loop above. Another possibility that reminds me of the statistical language R is that we could have a call as_vector that flattens an multi array into a 1D view. Then begin_element above would be equivalent to begin() on as_vector(marray).


On 4/25/06, Bruno Martínez <br1@internet.com.uy> wrote:
On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 23:11:26 -0300, Greg Link <link@cse.psu.edu> wrote:

> I would agree with you there - a 'foreach' would do what I need as
> well, but as I'm not 100% familiar with the way libraries such as
> boost are implemented, I worry that making your own control structure
> is much more difficult than making an accessor/modifier pair. I can't
> even imagine the syntax needed to convert the following into a
> theoretical boost-defined 'foreach'

I didn't mean new sintax, but a std::for_each work-alike.

> double previous =  0;
> double accumulator = 0;
> for(iterator_t myIterator = m_array.data(); myIterator != m_array.end
> (); myIterator++)
> {
>       accumulator += (*myIterator);
>       (*myIterator) *= previous
>       accumulator = (previous > 7) ? (do_function(accumulator)) : (0);
> }

You can do that with Boost.Lambda:

#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/if.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
        double previous =  0;
        double accumulator = 0;
        double d[3] = {1, 2, 3};

        using boost::lambda::_1;
        using boost::lambda::if_then_else_return;
        using boost::lambda::var;
        using boost::lambda::bind;
        std::for_each(&d[0], &d[3], (
                accumulator += _1,
                _1 *= previous,
                var(accumulator) =
                        if_then_else_return(var(previous) > 7,
                                bind(&do_function, accumulator),

I spend some time today writing a std::for_each-like function for
multiarrays.  This works correctly for subviews, but isn't as convenient
as an iterator.  You can't iterate through two multiarrays at the same
time, for example.  I only tested with MSVC8, so there may be some
typenames missing.  Here it is:

template<class MA, class F, int dim>
struct for_each_impl
        F f;
        for_each_impl(F f) : f(f) {}

        void operator()(MA& ma)
                std::for_each(ma.begin(), ma.end(), for_each_impl<typename
MA::reference, F, dim-1>(f));


template<class Ref, class F>
struct for_each_impl<Ref, F, 0>
        F f;
        for_each_impl(F f) : f(f) {}

        void operator()(Ref r)

template<class MA, class F>
void for_each(MA& ma, F f)
        for_each_impl<MA, F, MA::dimensionality> impl(f);

And a test:

        typedef boost::multi_array<double, 3> array_type;
        typedef array_type::index index;
        array_type myarray(boost::extents[3][4][2]);
        typedef array_type::index_range range;
        array_type::array_view<3>::type myview =
                myarray[ boost::indices[range(0,2)][range(1,3)][range(0,4,2)] ];
        for_each(myview, _1 = 56);

Hope that helps.


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