2016-10-12 0:03 GMT+02:00 Carlos Ferreira
Ok its here! Bear in mind that I have used the OpenWRT cross compiler, so there is a bit of verbosity. I have used my dropbox in order to share the info, to avoid spamming the mailing list.
On 11 October 2016 at 18:51, Oliver Kowalke
wrote: 2016-10-11 18:45 GMT+02:00 Carlos Ferreira
: Anyway, it did not work :/ I'm still unable to detect why Boost.Fiber is not getting compiled by the Boost system, even though --with-fiber is clearly stated. Boost.Thread, boost.Context and all the other boost libs dependencies
could you post the complete output of 'b2 toolset=gcc architecture=arm address-model=32 binary-format=elf abi=aapcs --with-fiber'
seams to me that boost.fiber is already build and installed btw, you have to build boost.context too (as a dependency of boost.fiber): 'b2 toolset=gcc architecture=arm> address-model=32 binary-format=elf abi=aapcs --with-fiber --with-context'