Hi. I find the 2 pros given in the docs to use the preprocessor library not valid! I was about to use the preprocessor library for the 1st time but after seing and studying some of the preprocessed output from various compilers it killed the only apparently valid argument the preprocessor docs present themselves to use it: integration and read to run. Obviously integration can be made easily with the #line and #error directives, wich will even allow my custom code generator to have syntax error checking. The other argument is not really true since a simple text processor can be made portable very easily, hey Linux does it with much more complicated stuff and it works most times. BTW, I'm not trying to bash it by any means(the work and effort put there are amazing), I just want to find a good reason to use it myself which unfortunately I haven't so far. Best regs Jose ____________________________________________________________________________________Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows. Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/?link=list&sid=396545469