On Dec 7, 2007 1:30 AM, Aaron Windsor
On Dec 6, 2007 2:40 PM, David A. Greene
wrote: On Thursday 06 December 2007 10:39, Johan Oudinet wrote:
What Aaron try to explain you is that the vertex (edge) properties are bound to their corresponding vertex (edge). So the complexity to look for a vertex property is the same than finding its corresponding vertex.
If you want to have constant time access to vertex properties, clearly don't use a ListS for your VertexList but a VecS for example.
Ok, that's what I would have expected (vecS constant-time, listS not). Thanks for confirming that.
No, both are actually constant-time - access to internal vertex and edge properties is constant time, independent of whether you're
[snip] I agree with you. I though David didn't have the vertex descriptor, so the complexities that I talked are about how to find the vertex descriptor according to a property. Of course the access to the properties after that is constant time. Sorry for the misunderstanding of your question David. Regards, -- Johan