we will move to plan B. Define a second region in your fsm, with only one dummy state, then add for every event you want to process independently of your "regular" states a transition in the fsm from this dummy state to itself (or give this state an internal transition table).
As every region gets a chance to process any event, you will get the same effect and the reduced compilation time.
Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for! I implemented this and it works perfectly, and it cut down my transition table significantly! The next question applies to another smaller subset of events I need to deal with. These can also happen regardless of what state the machine is in, but transition the machine to a one my "regular" states. I can use a similar approach with these, but obviously I need an additional method to put the machine back to the dummy state in addition to the "regular" state the incoming event transitions the machine to. How would I implement this, or something that accomplishes something similar? Thanks! Pete