On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 5:18 AM, 俊 赵 <zhaojun12@outlook.com> wrote:
Hello everyone.

I want to install boost-devel 1.59 in centos7, but the default repo has only 1.53, so I have to compile it from the source code.

I have download 1.59 from web page, and use ./bootstrap.sh and ./b2 install to install the boost 1.59.

But when I want install other packages such as CGAL-devel, it tells me that I donnot install boost-devel 1.59, so I wonder how to install boost-devel?


Building from source and installing will not automatically tell your package manager that boost is installed.

However it is really hard to tell without any more detail about the error message.
