Yes, it's watching for VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT environment variable.
Excelent !
I was still getting this problem with boost 1.44, so thank you for this information. Could boost better documented this somewhere ?
Better yet, could the regex build process start by unsetting this variable ? Should I report this somewhere ?
Do you always get those messages, or only when building a fresh tree for the first time?
The project pre-build event that I set up unpacks and compiles a boost release archive, that I place on source control as part of the project files, so I always compile a fresh tree.
Ah, this explains. Can you arrange for<boost-root>/bin.v2 directory to be created before you try to build boost. 1.44 has a bug whereby config log is written to<boost-root>/bin.v2/config.log, but the directory is not created.
I tried to interrupt the build process and start it again. The bin.v2 directory was there, but still no use ...
Just to complicate things further, I guess we really want to unset VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT only when doing the config, not the regular build - as in the latter case you might want to see the messages in the IDE? Could this be done with a new feature maybe? John.