What is the correct way to override the << op for a unit so that it say prints "Pa" instead of "m^-1 kg s^-2"?

I tried this and no worky:

#include <boost/units/io.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace units {

inline std::string
name_string< boost::units::pressure_dimension, boost::units::si::system >(const boost::units::si::pressure&)
 return "Pa";

}} // boost::units

"name_string" and "symbol_string" aren't templated - they are overloaded functions, so the template is not correct. Also, you defined "name_string", which is for fully-formatted unit output (e.g. "pascal" vs. "Pa"), so you are overloading the wrong function here. The easy way is to include the SI IO header : 

#include <boost/units/io.hpp>
#include <boost/units/quantity.hpp>
#include <boost/units/systems/si.hpp>
#include <boost/units/systems/si/io.hpp>

#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::units;

int main(void)
std::cout << name_format << 1.0*si::pascal << std::endl
          << symbol_format << 1.0*si::pascal << std::endl;


1 pascal
1 Pa

The default output formatter is symbol format. Your code, with fixes of the bugs above, works as well :

#include <boost/units/io.hpp>
#include <boost/units/systems/si.hpp>

namespace boost
namespace units {

inline std::string symbol_string(const si::pressure&)
return "Pa";
} // boost::units

#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::units;

int main(void)
std::cout << 1.0*si::pascal << std::endl;

