Johan 't Hart wrote:
(I'm not that familiair with news servers, so this post might appear for the second time. I hope to get an answer though)
I'm quite a newbie in the boost world, and I read the documentation about boost::threads. Inthere I read that events were not included in boost because they were too error-phrone. That made me wonder how to do multithreading without events, for example, how do you make a thread wait for something to do without events? I don't know how to implement that with just mutexes.
Can someone help me?
You want either, Or, Based on what you are trying to do. And of course reading the FAQ, which points you to the rational for not having events... -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - -- rrivera/ - grafik/ -- 102708583/icq - grafikrobot/aim - Grafik/