On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Michael Caisse <boost@objectmodelingdesigns.com> wrote:
Robert Dailey wrote:
When reading information from a serial_port, it seems like I'm required to poll the port for data. Is it possible to receive asynchronous events when data is available, kind of like how TCP/IP works?
Robert Dailey
Robert -
Just use the serial_port like you would a TCP/IP socket. For example,
I do this in one of my classes reading streams from hardware:
serial_port.async_read_some( boost::asio::buffer( in_message, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE ),
boost::bind( &SerialClient::read_done,
boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred ) );
Why are you having to poll?
What I'm really asking is: How do you know when to call async_read_some()? Ideally I only want to call into the socket to read information when I get a callback saying that there is actually something in the read buffer to get. A short sequence of what I want to happen:
- Send a message over the COM port
- Wait for the device to reply (The device would send a message back)
- Receive a callback saying that a new message (new data) is available and ready to be read
- Call async_read() to obtain that data.