Hello, I would to use Boost librairies to generate scale-free networks and I am not sure what is the best approach. I am currently using the PLOD generator, but the graphs generated are generally multigraphs, that is, graphs with multiple edges between two nodes. Although I would like to generate graphs with bidirectionnal edges between nodes, I also would like to bound the maximum number of possible edges between a pair of nodes to 2. In other words, if edges (i,j) and (j,i) are generated between nodes i and j, I do not want any additional edge between those nodes to be generated. Hence, I would like to know; 1-Is it possible to generate such graphs using the PLOD generator? If it is, do I need to remove "multi-edges" after the graph is generated or is there a smarter way to do so? 2-If using the PLOD generator is not the best option, is there any other random graph generator in Boost that can be adapted to design scale-free networks? In particular, is there a graph generator implementing the Barabasi-Albert model (I have looked up the forum for an answer to that question and it seems that the answer is "no", but things may have changed since)/ 3-I read somewhere that Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) graphs could be used to represent scale-free networks, is there a way to use the corresponding Boost class to do so? Thank you, -David -- View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Scale-free-networks-generation-tp4643888.... Sent from the Boost - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.