2011/9/6 Ion GaztaƱaga
Yes. Have you updated Boost.Move and Boost.Container to the latest version?
I checked twice to make sure I updated properly before replying last time but it seems it was not enough ;) It works properly now of course. Sorry for confusion and thanks for the quick fix. On a related note: what is the correct way to return named boost::container from a function in non-rvalue reference compiler (VS 2008 SP1) to make sure moving will be used instead of copying? My guess is that explicit move() call is needed to perform a conversion to rv object but maybe boost.move somehow detects movability on its own? Docs are not clear on that matter - only example I found returns a temporary: file_descriptor create_file_descriptor(const char *filename) { return file_descriptor(filename); } I mean: vector<int> makeNumbers() { vector<int> ret; // fills ret; return boost::move(ret) // <---------- or just: return ret; ? } Regards, Simon