Robert Ramey wrote:
Johan Råde wrote:
Cliff Green wrote:
Last fall I wrote a library with portable fpclassify, isnan, signbit etc. (It is available in the vault in the Math - Numerics folder.) Several Boosters tested the library with more than 20 different OS / compiler / processor combinations.
This is something that is really needed in boost. Could you possibly:
a) make a small boost library for this which would include i) code (hopefully header only?) ii) tests iii) documentation
and ask for a mini-review.
Dear Robert, The code (header only), tests and docs are done. The library also includes facets for portable handling of infinities and nans in text streams. The library is available in the vault: Math - Numerics / floating_point_utilities_v2.zip. It has been submitted for a review. All that is needed now is a review manager. Please take a look at the library Robert. I'd be happy to hear what you think. --Johan Råde