Hello everyone!
I created a new VC2008 MFC regular dll project, do nothing but insert a line in
Then I exported a do-nothing function at the dll's head file:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void DllFunc()
After I compiled the proejct, I got a dll file and a lib file.
I created a MFC dialog project, implicit call to the dll, that's:
1) #include the dll's head file
2) use #pragma comment(lib, "...") to import the dll's lib file
3) make a call to the DllFunc in dll
I run the dialog project in the debug mode, and got an assertion error:
void AFXAPI AfxCoreInitModule()
ASSERT(AfxGetModuleState() != AfxGetAppModuleState()); // assertion error
// the return value of AfxGetModuleState() and AfxGetAppModuleState() are
both not-empty,
// but they are not the same.
Could anybody help me? thanks!
My boost version is 1.38, 1.42 also tried.
Compiler: Microsoft VC2008 (SP1)