On Nov 23, 2004, at 11:23 AM, TC MA wrote:
struct graphStruct { string name; };
Unfortunately, bundled graph properties aren't supported (yet). You
can, however, add a graph name property using property
typedef adjacency_list
Change this to:
typedef adjacency_list
g[e].name = "graphname";
std::cout << "name: " << g[e].name << std::endl;
These two won't compile because we can't get at the graph properties that way. "e" is an edge descriptor, so "g[e]" is going to give you an edgeStruct& back (that's how we were able to set the edge weight ). To get to the graph_name property we just added above, use: get_property(g, graph_name); If we can come up with a better syntax for the future, we'll definitely do it. For now, we're stuck with that mess.
typedef subgraph
You're actually going to run into a minor problem here, because the
subgraph adaptor requires an edge_index property that we haven't
provided. The easiest way to introduce such a property is to actually
mix bundled and non-bundled parameters, like so:
typedef adjacency_list
subgraph_t sg; get_property(sg, graph_name) = "subgraph";
std::cout << "name: " << get_property(sg, graph_name) << std::endl;
return exit_success; }
All of this is fine; it's actually what we changed the above code to. As you can probably tell, we're still working out some of the kinks in the bundled properties setup. It's better than what we had before, but we still have a bit of work to do to make it really slick. Doug