OK, so I invoked Jam from my Boost root directory using:
c:\boost_1_27_0\boost-build\jam -sBOOST_ROOT=. -sTOOLS="msvc"
Now Jam is actually doing something, but I'm still getting messages
Can't really help but heres my two pennies worth anyway. You need to make sure certain symbols/environment variables exisit within you environment or edit the JAM file directly. These env vars tell jam where your compiler, headers, libs directories are. Don't know which version of boost jam you are using, the version I'm using does not support windows long file names with spaces so virtually all targets fail due to bad include paths, and I decided not to hack my VC installation just to let JAM build. You may have the same thing, I gave up and just used the parts of the library that only require headers. I still have stuff which won't build though, and don't even consider VC7! David Marsh --- In Boost-Users@y..., jd.schmidt@j... wrote: like:
The system cannot find the specified path. C:\Program is not recongnized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file
Also, I get a lot of messages like: ...found 1606 targets... ...updating 381 targets... [many other messages] ...failed msvc-C++-action [many other messages] ...failed updating 168 targets... ...skipped 202 targets... ...updated 11 targets...
Obviously some things are happening, but I get the idea that it
didn't work 100%. Do you have any advice?
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