14 Jan
14 Jan
10:36 a.m.
Hi, I try to use boost.python to invoke C++ library in Python, so I need to expose types and classes. Here is the c++ head file: *typedef int XTYPE;* *class XCLASS* *{* *public:* * XTYPE getvalue( void ){ return XTYPE( 3 ); }* *};* So I write exposing code in BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE like this: *BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE( x )* *{* * class_< XCLASS >( "XCLASS" )* * .def( "getvalue", &XCLASS::getvalue, return_value_policy< copy_non_const_reference >() )* * ;* *}* but there is compiling error as using of undefined type. what shall I do to make the type XTYPE known by boost.python? Thanks in advance! -- Huang You Gong