Vladimir Prus píše v Čt 24. 09. 2015 v 12:13 +0300:
Hi Marek,
On 23-Sep-15 4:41 PM, Marek Skalický wrote:
Hello everyone, I have a question about program_option library.
If I have argv=["binaryname", "--port", "5"] and port have set default_value=6 and implicit_value=7 what should be the value of port after parsing argv?
It should be 5.
default_value does not matter because the --port option is provided implicit_value does not matter because the --port option includes a value explicitly
I am asking because this test https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/0481c958daeb2969800511e7475dc66986fa9e... is failing with boost 1.59 (with boost 1.58 it is passing). Does someone please know what changed in this new version?
Does this issue reproduces when using program_options directly? The code above appears to use classes that are similar, but not the same.
I separated boost code. However, this code still fails:
namespace po = boost::program_options;
po::options_description boostOptions;
po::positional_options_description boostPositionalOptions;