"Avery Fay" wrote in message
Thanks for your replies. It turns out that you don't need to export the base
class. I've done some experimenting and this is what I've come up with.
Hopefully, this will help someone else.
1.) You can export from a header file, but if you do you can't include that
header more than one time in your program or you get multiple definition
errors. This goes for one export per header as well as all exports in one
I would amend that to say that in order for export to work as advertised, a
header containing it should be included in one and only one module which
also contains archive headers.
2.) Exporting from a source file doesn't work as I posted before. You *have*
to include the iarchive and oarchive headers in your cpp file you're
exporting even if they aren't needed there. Missing one or the other or both
leads to exceptions or plain old crashes.
Unless I'm missing something, the whole export system seems incredibly
*** it IS fragile. The latest version by D. Abrahams is much inproved and
will be part of bost 1.35.
Robert Ramey